Aug 29, 2011

Warmer, warrmmmeeeerrrrr. Hot!

Oh shit oh shit oh shit...
So you're wondering what happened afterwards? Well, let me fill you in. Nothing. And I'm scared. I sneak around hopping nothing out of the ordinary will happen. Hoping that nothing bad happens to me. Like a spy, behind enemy lines, hiding, sneaking. Is it over? Is it really, over?

Aug 23, 2011

The Mullet part 2

100 internets to the person who
gets this reference
Part 2 of the history of my mullet. Part 1 was the beginning. Part 2 is the end. But don't be fooled for a second that the end signals happiness. NO! Far from it, the end is but the beginning of the crescendo. The final days of the mullet are filled with shame and defeat. Beware the mullet. Beware, it's evil power.

Aug 19, 2011

The Mullet part 1

The modern mullet. Staring thoughtfully
off into the distance is not included.
Last time I commented how I had given my self a mullet. Not a fish either, one of these bad boys:
Let me regale you in a story, a history if you will. This, is the history of my mullet.

Aug 17, 2011

Uni Games? Uni Games! Mullet? Mullet!

Another week. A bit colder than the last, but you know, it is winter and all that. It's time. Time to shine and stuff, yo. Here's my drawing of Mario and Luigi. Pretty neat huh?

Aug 5, 2011

Fiddletown, first week of uni, and DANCE RAGE!

Back to uni, back to work, back to black. Back to back. Front to back. Side to back. And finally, top to back. What does this even mean? Maybe the answer lies within? It doesn't though, I already wrote the blog, this is meant to be a summary of it, but it's not. I hope this clears things up for you.