Kurt takes me everywhere, and I'm
always rocking, FML. |
Smashed it. One side is a fairly steep 9km climb, although not a true climb as it has a downhill section in the middle. The other side is straight up, 6.6% avg. The KOM hits about 340m. My 23 rocked out with its cock out.
Day Two
Passed a hubbard bunch on the way to Tomewin. They were all riding like rickety old country folk with rickets. I even spied a few riding in the 'elbows wide' style employed by mountain bikers and sprinters.
This climb is like a rude old prostitute, "Where's my money, aye? I ain't leavin till youse pay up." - Just doing my best impersonation of rickety old country folk riding along the valley at a steady pace, chuck a left into Tomewin rd and BOOM: 14% for 800m. I felt that my 23 was ok, but I'd rather have the 25 Garry lent me, cheers aye. Next time I head south to the Tweed, I'm hooking that baby up.
This is for not paying up, bro. |
The descent on the other side is similar to that rude old hooker. The road is wet in quite a few places due to the southern aspect and jungle like vegetation towering over the road, it's not very wide and there's quite a few twists and turns. Most notably however is the DEATH off the left side of the road. Seriously, there was sheer cliff, and just like that rude old hooker, a reminder that she can make one phone call and three Maori's will show up to practice Rugby scrums on your face.
Minimum temp: 16 degrees.
Day Three
I spent the night at my uncles just outside of Murwillumbah so I had the opportunity to hit the apparently more popular side of the Tomewin. 5.1km at 6.6% avg. This one was more like what I would expect from a climb, long and steep. There was a longer section of about 10% that had me out of the saddle, still wishing I had that 25!

Over the top and back around Coolangatta passed where my ride would finish. There's something to be said of taking an easy way out of something. I'd only ridden 30 odd kilometres, had an average day yesterday, hard day before then, the chance to finish now and have an early lunch was there, but it just didn't feel right. I've read that the brain is preparing our bodies for action 550ms before we are consciously aware we are about to do something. So when you make a decision, be aware that your brain has already made your decision for you. Deep.
Rode along the rough and bumpy road to Bilambil which wasn't so steep and not very long. Caught up with two guys who chatted my ears off all the way back to Murwillumbah. The young guy was super keen to get me racing out at the Murwillumbah clubs road race on Saturday, might give it a burl in a few weeks.
This is breakfast kids, eat up. |
We descended this moss covered 5m wide hobo pass. I think it was once a slippery slide for local kids back in the day. Before anything was invented and people had nothing to do except drink at the pub, smack their kids and eat meat, 3 times a day, every, day.
Minimum temp: 15 degrees.
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