Jul 31, 2011

A few days of Sydney

The view from my window
With all the fun over, sigh, it's time to go back to reality. Work, uni, cold and most disappointingly, the black pool in my back yard...

Jul 26, 2011

You laugh, you lose.

I discovered an internet phenomenon. It's amazing! There are rules though, so I'm not allowed to talk about it. But I have shifted through enormous piles of shit for these, and I want to share them with you.

Jul 21, 2011

A break, a whale, and a 70% pure fat cake.

It rained on Saturday and most of Sunday so I didn't get a ride in. Mainly because I smashed both the Tomewin and her bigger, fatter sister Springbrook - I don't need a wingman - so I felt complete.

Jul 10, 2011

Bunch time? I like brunch!

Two weeks of riding alone has me wishing that my invisible friends would shut up so I could at least get a word in. It's time for some bunch time. About time too, as I had forgotten what free wheeling felt like.

Jul 9, 2011

If life gets hard, go fishing?

Can't, leave, bathroom
Had another day off due to sickness. Not the kind teenagers have when they're cool, the kind you have where you're scared to be more than 20m from a toilet.

Jul 6, 2011

If bottom bracket sounds like maraca, go straight to bike shop

You know when something horrible happens to you and then it isn't just fixed, it gets turned into an absolutely awesome thing? Well, that's exactly what happened.

Jul 5, 2011


So I'm up here with my sister and her 1.5 year old baby. He can stumble around and mumble and say a lot of things that begin and end with ga. He likes to close things, doors and cupboards. If you leave one open he will be the door controller until you close it for him. He really can't do much without help from someone.

Jul 4, 2011

So I heard you like climbing. Some steep?

Mio Italiano e perfecto.
There's a back door way up to Mt Mee. If this back door is like other rear entrances, I'll enjoy checking it out... Enough with the butt hole innuendo - which is Italian for suppository...

Jul 2, 2011

KOM attempt

Suck it, bitches
Today was originally planned to be a 120km ride with two climbs, one pretty easy, and the second, EPIC. Except I had a deadline to be home and as I'm on holidays, I didn't want to leave home before 8am. Ahahahaha...

Jul 1, 2011

Going Norther

I had an enforced rest day yesterday. My saddle areas are taking a beating like never before. As I'm a rouleur, I consider myself that because you know, I'm all pro and shit, I use a hard, pro time saddle. But up here the roads are rough - "rough as guts" if my English to Bogan dictionary is correct. May as well have brought my mountain bike! Or a softer saddle, what ever.