Jul 9, 2011

If life gets hard, go fishing?

Can't, leave, bathroom
Had another day off due to sickness. Not the kind teenagers have when they're cool, the kind you have where you're scared to be more than 20m from a toilet.

The mornings have been getting colder, had one day that was 5 degrees, a bit shit really, but still warmer than Sydney! To try and combat this, I've just been leaving later and later. That's cool except I have a really funny tan line going down the middle of the back of my legs. I didn't notice it though, my sister did. She asked why had I made a line on the back of my legs... Just getting some sun apparently! My tan has been getting a work out up here without much effort. Tan time baby.

This is exactly what it was like.
My mum has foxtel so I've been watching Tour highlights every morning. I like the fuss everyone seems to make over this race. It's good because more exposure is what cycling needs in this football/fuckwit centric country, a good example of how retarded and hated cyclists are, the other day I was just riding along inside the shoulder, along comes a 4wd with the passenger hanging out the window up to his WAIST yelling: "Get off the road ya fuckwit!" - to which I laughed and HOPED beyond life that he would fall. Unfortunately, another reason for more exposure was the death of Carly Hibbard.

It really fucking sucks when cyclists die. I can only speak from my own experience and from my own observations and analysis. It really scares me when cyclists die cycling. While I'm not writing a university essay here, I'm not going to research and back up any claims, but, people are killed while working all the time. Tradesmen and construction workers have it rough - although not as rough as servicemen. But when that happens it's always someone's fault. Negligence kills.

But cycling is something I do for fun, I never consider riding to be work, shit, I even enjoy just looking across the room at my bike (although I don't enjoy: freezing my fingers and toes off in winter, shrivelling up like a prune from dehydration and working on my melanomas in summer). And because I think of it as fun, it scares the shit out of me that people can and do die from things you do for fun.

It isn't always some kind of freak accident and it's not always somebodies negligence. What's the deal? How do you plan for that? You just have to be lucky, ALL THE TIME. I've been hit by a car three times, and I've crashed on descents and in the rain. Some people go their whole riding lives without crashing, I wish that I was one of those people.

On a happier note, I went fishing today and caught two size happy Tailor. Not to shabby. But then trawling my lure on the way back to the boat ramp, another boat on the way out caught my line and snapped up all of my line straight off the reel! FUCK! I didn't even have time to pull the knife and cut the line, it just all unravelled off the reel. Old mate will have a lure and 200-300m of line wrapped around his motor.

You can't die fishing, right?

Bribie Passage at dusk

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