Sep 29, 2011

Broken Hill - The Coin

A coin? How trite! I'm not even sure I give a shit. Part 2 of my Broken Hill Odyssey. Summary side note! Sorry (Not really) but these are factual blogs, and not my, laugh a minute, MS paint-shopped picture blogs. Sometimes a story just needs to be written in stone. No matter how shit and boring. Facts. Fuck facts! Learning is for wankers!

Sep 28, 2011

Broken Hill - The Arrival

That's comforting. Because I'm here to get lead poisoning
University has graced me with many adversities in three years. Poor subject recommendations, timetable changes and clashes, unfavourable exam times, knowledge, and field trips. This field trip was timed to prevent me from competing at Uni Games, expose me to absurd amounts of lead dust, and cost me a shit tonne of money. Will it be a positive experience? Does Australia not really suck? Are Broken Hillites suffering from a loss cognitive function due to lead dust?

Sep 26, 2011

Conception Day!

If you only party once a year, you should party more. But if you do only party once a year and attend Macquarie Uni, you should kill yourself - and remember, it's down the street, not across the road. But seriously, this is your day to Part A.

Sep 11, 2011

So many assignments

Assignments? Assignments! Oh man, so many assignments. Will they ever end? Probably when I die I won't have to do them any more. Hopefully.
In other news, it's September 11.

Sep 10, 2011

The Calga Classic is a classic

Fuck you assignments!
Sorry it took so long to pump this out. I actually wrote it last Sunday but since then I've been staying up late at night to work through my assignments. Third year assignments aren't any harder than first or second year ones; it's just that they take longer to do.