Jul 2, 2011

KOM attempt

Suck it, bitches
Today was originally planned to be a 120km ride with two climbs, one pretty easy, and the second, EPIC. Except I had a deadline to be home and as I'm on holidays, I didn't want to leave home before 8am. Ahahahaha...

Day seven:

What it looks like when I ride my
bike really fast.
I wanted that KOM. Mt Mee and me were going to have words. After learning the hard way that back roads are littered with dirt sections, which is pretty awesome in hindsight, I finally perfected the Mt Mee route. I was going to attack Dayboro road which is a bit like West Head road, bergs . It thoroughly smashed me so I took it easy towards the end. Turned towards Mt Mee without a stop and hit the climb solidly but not full tilt, stopped by the second traffic light AGAIN, lost about 30 seconds, kept pushing. Sped up towards the top and was smashing it over the last few hundred metres. Truth be told I miss judged how far the top was, and peaked a little early, by about 400m! Didn't know until I got home, but I wrapped that baby up by 59 seconds. VAM is like 1100, by the end of my holiday I want to be pushing 1300 up there. Epic.

So apparently there is a bunch that rides from somewhere to somewhere else for laps, turns around and heads back. The bunch is called the 100%ers. They leave at 3:30am. Yep. They apparently finish at 6ish, twice a week. Makes the Smashton look a bit gay really. Sorry Matt.

So my shark piloting is not going to plan. We went out in the boat but we only found the one shark and she wasn't able to fly yet. So annoying. 

Day eight:


This ride was another northerly headed ride. I wanted to head up the small climb to Peachester and continue to Booroobin only because it's over 500m in elevation. The plan was to go down the Bellthorpe pass because it's really fucking steep. It turns out however that the road along the top was only really a single lane road that was over 10% up and down three times. Fucking hell, it was just like Pretoria parade, but three times. The other problem was that the pass was closed due to landslide! But what ever, I'm on a bike, bitch. I rode the pass and yeah, it was steep! And there were massive pot holes, heaps of debris, two barriers and it just wasn't very nice. I also reneged my plan of turning around and climbing this monster. Maybe next time...

Artists rendition of a landscape, somewhere.
The views on this ride up near Booroobin were amazing. I didn't take any photos because I don't like providing an excuse for people not to check it out themselves. When I was in Switzerland I was riding along a lake near Luzern, a place called Weggis, where I saw this amazing landscape of colours I've never seen before and the amazing sight of sheer cliff exiting the lake. Awesome. And I purposely didn't take any photos, it's a memory I keep just for myself. The Glasshouse Mountains from a distance were pretty amazing in their own right, too.

My face when you're a wanker.
I think we place more points on landscapes that aren't available in Australia, that we take for granted, because once you've seen a mountain pass with sweeping valleys and surrounding peaks, you've seen them all. The only reason Italian alps are cooler than Australian mountains are the different vegetation types and colours. And the fact that you have to travel a long way to see them. When you ride north on the Pacific highway at Berowra and you look to the left, that's pretty special, so fuck you for thinking otherwise.

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